Eastchester SEPTA Needs Your Support
As Eastchester Special Education PTA (“SEPTA”) board members, we are writing to ask for your support of our popular BINGO & BROWNIES fundraiser. Our signature event was last held on 2019, then canceled last year like so many events. We are hopeful that on Saturday, May 7th, 2022, we will finally gather at the Holy Trinity Social Hall, New Rochelle, reunited with our community members again!
We are grateful for your generosity at whatever level you decide upon for this sell-out event. There will be amazing raffle prizes, bingo games, grab bags, and of course, brownies!!!

SEPTA represents all of Eastchester’s Special Education students in all schools, from Kindergarten through High School. SEPTA provides teacher grants, runs After School Clubs such as Backyard Sports, and funds the “SCHOOL to WORK” Program, paying stipends to qualified HS Special Education students for “part-time jobs” in the community. In partnership with Eastchester School Foundation and with support from ASCAP, County TV & Appliance, FOCUS for Health, and Mickey Spillanes, we provided Canine Therapy and Music Therapy for special education classes from K-12. We bring awareness of Autism to our community on our Light Eastchester Blue day in April and are beginning a partnership with the Special Olympics. We fund class trips and provide technology to special education classes such as IPads, apps, and license subscriptions. SEPTA provides generous scholarships to graduating HS students and mentors. We are constantly planning other ways to ensure our students have well-rounded, inclusive lives!
Email us at info@eastchestersepta.org for more information. Your donation will be utilized for more incredible plans in the future.
You can donate via our online form, or donate directly at https://eastchester-septa.square.site or via VENMO @EastchesterSEPTA.
Our programs are possible because of generous donations from our supporters, both inside and outside our local community! We are grateful beyond words!
The 2021-22 Eastchester SEPTA Executive Board
To donate via check, mail form and check payable to: Eastchester SEPTA, mail to Sharon Shearon, 130 Woodruff Ave., Scarsdale, NY 10583
Name or Business, Phone & Email __________________________________________________
I will make a product or gift card donation; call for pickup_______________________________
I wish to be an event UNDERWRITER for $500_________________________________________
I wish to be an event SPONSOR for $150______________________________________________
Other Monetary Amount __________________________________________________________