Eastchester High School
Partnership with Community Businesses
Eastchester High School in partnership with the Westchester business community will establish a variety of on-site work locations for students with varying levels of disabilities.
Students 15-21 years of age, with support from Eastchester High School job coaching staff, will perform specific duties in designated employment sites. Eastchester High School provides assistance to employers in training students to meet job requirements. Job coaches facilitate interactions with co-workers and the employer and assist students in learning job tasks. This support is open-ended in time span to meet the students’ and employers’ needs. Job coaching will decrease as students begin to demonstrate independence in job responsibility and performance. Job coaches are on site at all times.
All students will be employed as part of their school day to utilize high school job coaches. Student hours will vary according to age, high school schedule, experience and the needs of the employers. Students who have had many work experiences and have been successful in meeting job requirements are prepared for a successful transition from the school setting to the adult world of employment.
The employer gains access to a reliable and productive work force.
Students with disabilities strive to succeed with enthusiasm and commitment. The employer has the advantage of support systems in place and individual training on site. Students gain valuable employment experiences with each placement. Students with disabilities want to live meaningful and productive lives and become active members of their community. Employment opportunities enable them to reach this goal.