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Click to join Eastchester SEPTA!

If you have already joined, we truly appreciate your support! If not, we hope you will join SEPTA this school year!

SEPTA is an organization of interested parents, mostly with children receiving special services through the district, as well as special education faculty/administration who join together to help all our children reach their fullest potential. Special services range from resource room, classroom aides, occupational/speech therapy, special education classes in district and outside the district. Any parent of a child who receives special services should join SEPTA. Your participation will greatly benefit our organization and our children's future. Your SEPTA membership, in addition to teacher grants, has helped support Canine Therapy, Music Therapy, after school clubs and inclusive athletics, like Unified Basketball. Thank you! The 2022-23 Eastchester SEPTA Executive Board Don't forget to Bookmark us at: eastchestersepta. org, Follow us on FB: Eastchester Septa - Special Education PTA , Instagram: Eastchester SEPTA


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